Rides 19th – 26th November

It's looking like another dry weekend on the cards, with Sunday's ride forecast to be cool and breezy. 

If you're not one for riding in winter, why not try the Indoor training sessions on Tuesday evenings - Walden Tri have kindly invited us to join them at their training sessions, keep an eye out on Facebook for more details. We've shared the link to join the session if you're interested.

Sunday's ride follows WR5, heading northwards. The two hour routes will head towards Fulbourn before looping back to town. The three hour routes are a little different, the steady group heads towards Fulbourn, coming back to town via Clavering. The tempo route heads north east, out ot Cowlinge!

The two midweek routes will follow midweek 3 and 4, respectively. We'll get these a routes page on the website soon!

Routes this week

Sunday (8:30): WR4

Tuesday: (18:45) Indoor Session

Wednesday (9:30): Midweek 3

Friday (9:30): Midweek 4